Google Pagerank Update
Next Update Nobody knows when the next Google Pagerank update will happen, but it is expected in June or July of 2013. The last one was 4 February 2013. Last Updates Google updates Toolbar Pagerank every 3 or so months: 4 February 2013 – Confirmation here. 7 November 2012 2 August 2012 2 May 2012 7 February 2012 7
- Published in Google, Search Engine, Search Engine Optimization
Google+ Local – What It Means for SEO
On May 30th, Google announced the release of Google+ Local, replacing Google Places and adding several important upgrades including social features and Zagat reviews. The new Google+ Local pages will be indexed and show up in search results, so optimization and reviews will play an important role in future SEO strategy. This means a significant
- Published in Blogging, Google, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media
Will Google Ban Your Website if You Complain?
Will Google Ban Your Website if You Complain? Do you accuse Google of penalizing your site as an act of revenge? It may sound silly, but if you search through the online forums you will notice comments about webmasters accusing a sinister Google of searching and destroying the sites of the webmasters who complain about
- Published in Featured, Google, Search Engine Optimization
SEO Company Abuses Google+ Local, Infuriates Search Community
Ever seen that show about the world’s dumbest criminals? Well, it turns out that some SEOs are just as clueless as the jokers featured on that program. It’s really cool to watch how fast the Internet moves sometimes, and the story I’m about to tell you is proof positive that in the search community, when you attack
- Published in Google, Search Engine, Search Engine Optimization
Former Google Search Quality Team Member Reveals All
If you think you have heard it all from the Google front, think again. In today’s post, you will learn about an ex-Google employee who decided to share some of his experience at Google and give webmasters some juicy insider tips. On his site, James Norquay landed an exclusive interview with Andre Weyher, a former member of
- Published in Google
Panda, Penguin, and EMD – Making Sense of the Chaos
Written by Nell Terry on October 9, 2012 in General, SEM, SEO I’m really starting to wonder if the engineers at Google have been sleeping in shifts this past week. I wrote about the EMD update last week, and one day later, I discovered that a Panda update had rolled out directly before the EMD algo. Google didn’t announce the change until after
- Published in Google, Search Engine Optimization
Google Penguin Update: This Person Has A “Huge Recovery” Story
Google has been pushing major updates left and right in recent weeks, and plenty of webmasters are feeling the effects for better or for worse. In late September, Google announced the EMD update targeting low-quality sites with exact match domains. Later, we found out Google had also rolled out a new Panda update around the same time. Business owners
- Published in Google

50 Google-Loving Content Tips to Create Traffic-Worthy Content
Every webmaster knows Google loves content, but many don’t know exactly how to create, market and dispense content so it makes an impact and increases traffic. To aid our Site-Reference readers, I compiled a list of 50 content tips to help you at every stage of the process. Whether you own a large 1,000,000 page website or
- Published in Google
The Top 10 Tips for Loving (Or Living With) Google’s Penguin — A SEO-News Exclusive
Never before (except perhaps in the baneful reviews of the box office bomb Happy Feet Two), have penguins been so universally despised as in the latest iteration of Google’s algorithm modifications. If you thought Farmer had ploughed you into the ground and Panda had eaten your most successful shoots, the Penguin will ice your SEO
- Published in Google, Search Engine