Small Business Loses Money and Gives Up on Facebook
Written by Jenna Scaglione on May 23, 2012 in Facebook, Internet Marketing, Social Media Imagine you spent hundreds of dollars on Facebook advertising and it resulted in only two more visitors to your website.Does this sound familiar? It is not uncommon, especially for Peter Faulkner, chairman and owner of the small family business, Faulkner packaging. Faulkner Packaging is a family
- Published in News
Can Search Save Yahoo?
To say that Yahoo has had its share of problems in the past few years is an understatement. The most recent news of the now former CEO Scott Thompson and his resume scandal has only added to the disorder surrounding Yahoo. The once highly regarded Internet giant has experienced all types of turmoil including numerous management changes, extensive layoffs,
- Published in News
10 Majestic Ways to Combat & Recover from Google Penguin Update
Google Penguin Update ? You might be thinking, Google must be an animal lover as they keep most of their Algorithm Updates name as that of Animal Names. The most renowned and threatening name is Panda. You must got goosebumps by hearing this name It’s a nightmare to all the Bloggers and Webmasters. Google Panda Update is a change to the Google’s search results ranking algorithm that
- Published in Search Engine Optimization
Should Google Rethink its Algorithms and Policies
Google is a big organization. In fact it is one of the big organizations and is impossibly influential on the net. For this reason it’s fair to say that Google would never admit it made a mistake, that’s just the unfortunate nature of big business. But despite the fact that they aren’t coming clean on
- Published in Search Engine Optimization
If You Must Get Links, Do It Like This
This is a piggyback article that I’m posting on the heels of How to Get Links Without Trying to Get Links, so make sure to give it a read if you haven’t already. For me, the takeaway was this: What I mean is that by focusing on linking, sometimes we will unknowingly offer less-than-stellar content because
- Published in Search Engine Optimization
Link Building in a Penguin World
You may be wondering how to handle some of the recent updates such as Panda and Penguin and whatever other black-and-white animal updates (Is the Zebra algorithm, next?) Google decides to throw at us website owners. Here’s the basic answer: LINKS STILL WORK. And they work well. If links did not work, Google would not
- Published in Search Engine Optimization