How to Write a Feature Article

Tuesday, 10 July 2012 by

I’m going to break it down for you this week. There’s some intense debate happening in webmaster forums about whether social signals outweigh links, and what webmasters should focus on more when building a website. The Panda and Penguin updates have everyone in a tizzy and I’ll lay it out for you – right now

I do a great deal of article writing, blogging and social media posting of content for myself and for clients. To distribute an article or post through the maze of social media networks and article publishing services can take a great deal of time. Therefore, it’s important to utilize the right social media tools that

The search industry has witnessed multiple changes over the past couple of years. Among the most notable changes are social, mobile, and local being integrated into search results. While each of these play a big role in the search evolution that has occurred, I think it’s fair to say that social tops the list. How

Google’s Matt Cutts recently downplayed the significance of social signals in search, compared to links. Search Marketing Expo uploaded a new video to YouTube, featuring a discussion between Cutts and moderator Danny Sullivan, in which he talks about the notion that social signals have replaced links. In short, while social signals may gain power in

Google is looking to change the future of search by making it less relevant. It’s a pretty bold move, considering that search is Google’s bread and butter. With Google Now, Google wants to give you the information you need before you even have to search for it. Some find the new feature, announced last week

Blogging is a form of social media and for social media to be successful you need interaction. A non-interactive neglected blog will simply die out and become oblivious to the cyber world. Blogging became popular in the late 1990s and is one of the most effective ways of social networking. Although blogging started out more

This is part two of last week’s post, Google Shopping is Coming –Are You Ready for the Change? In it, I wrapped up by pointing out that all the search engine algorithm changes are not going to stop – if anything, they’ll only get more aggressive as technology evolves. That said, I concluded that the

10 SEO and Link Building Mistakes

Saturday, 07 July 2012 by

Mistake 1 – Neglecting On-page Optimization: I think more people are beginning to understand the importance of on-page optimization when it comes to ranking their web pages. With so much focus on keywords and link building though, often I see webmasters focusing too heavily on the “off page” stuff, without realizing what they do “on”

A study has come out from Conductor, indicating that one in five Google Knowledge Graph entries for trending keywords are outdated. Do you think Google is doing a good job at delivering fresh results when relevant? Share your feedback in the comments. Google announced Knowledge Graph last month, with a great deal of hype. Google