How do you escape the clutches of the next major algorithm change? Can you really become immune to downgrades and penalties? No, I don’t have a “get out of jail free” card for you that promises to shield you from future updates. And there aren’t any magical formulas to stay safe, but there are some killer

Some websites are so poorly designed that they constitute serious security risks to visitors. There are a multitude of different attacks that hackers can use to exploit such websites. Cross scripting, for example, is a tactic that has been used over and over again to download malicious code onto people’s computers without them knowing it.

Google’s war on bad links officially became insane today. For months, Google’s sending out warnings about bad links and telling publishers they should act on those, lest they get penalized. Today, Google said the latest round of warnings sent out this week can be safely ignored. That’s not “more transparency” as Google posted. That’s more

As we all know that Do Follow links can help you in increasing your PR (Page Rank) on Google & also they can get some good quality traffic to your website in addition to better search engine rankings. Getting Do Follow links to your blog /website is part of Off page SEO.Do Follow links are nothing but links without

Google+ is now allowing the creating of business pages. Previously Google+ was only open to individuals. Now you can create a business page for your brand on Google+. Since Google basically owns search and all their other properties like YouTube, and Google Places get priority in search it would not be a bad idea

In theory, advertising on Facebook allows marketers to reach one of the largest populations of potential buyers possible. Short of throwing up a banner ad on the moon, it’s unlikely that you’re going to find an outlet with more upside – the network is approaching 1 billion users. In theory. But of course, unlike a

In previous articles, I have written about how Google+ Local pages impact SEO and why Google+ is not just another social networking site that businesses should wait and see if it catches on before jumping in. Google+ is an architecture that Google intends to use to bring a social layer to every Google touch point you already use on

As if Penguin, Panda and over-optimization penalties weren’t enough… It seems as if Google ads are taking the once glorified organic positions and edging them out of the running. New research shows that users who are inputting keywords with high commercial intent, click on ads twice as much as the organic listings for the same keywords. Wordstream released

Ever since Panda and Penguin (Google’s major changes to how they rank websites in order to fight web spam) have hit, a lot of companies have lost a large percentage of their website visitors. Bewildered by their sudden misfortune, many of these business owners have turned to me to review their websites and their SEO practices to